Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για public scandal
1. There is nothing like a public scandal to prompt private introspection.
2. In light of the country‘s long history of public scandal, Gaydamak doesn‘t seem so bad, as various recent instant Internet polls have shown.
3. "Why not look instead for evidence of cowardice, secrecy, and dishonesty –– the traits displayed by so many bishops which magnified the crisis into a public scandal?" DeBernardo said.
4. As Jay–Z and many other accused celebrities have shown us, the best way to survive a public scandal is through swagger÷ act as if you‘re not bothered by your sins and your fans will eagerly play along.
5. It was given to Princess Margaret in 1'55 – a year after the public scandal over her wish to marry Group Captain Peter Townsend and five years before she married photographer Lord Snowdon.